Motives over an Ostinato

#Piano technique #Variation #Cross-rhythm #Cross-phrasing #Displacement

There is a lot of explanation and description tucked in between the staves of the score below. It looks pretty academic on account of all the writing, but it’s difficult to put a live studio demonstration/lesson on paper without with relying on words. In fact this material was typically presented over a series of classes that involved a great deal of hands-on experience for the students. I plan to make video demonstrations of all this material which will better suit the practically oriented musician.

Many of the visitors to this site can probably glean what they need by just scanning through the notation and skipping the text, but it’s here if you need it. A video will be made to demo this series of exercises.

Short Motives Over an Ostinato (This is a link to a PDF file.)

Audio track (MIDI) for Short Motives Over an Ostinato

Just below is a stack of jpeg files which are the same as the PDF link above. You can click forward and backward to see them all and there is a row of thumbnails at the bottom.


Hand/Mind Coodination Exercises:


The Unison Exercise: real-time interval identification